Grapefruit Brulee

Grapefruit Brulee

Grapefruit is loved by many for a quick breakfast food that’s full of vitamin C and antioxidant properties. For some, its flavor can be a little too tart on its own. That’s why I like to use grapefruit as a healthier dessert option instead of a plain breakfast dish. Grapefruit brulee is easy to make, sweetens the tartness of the grapefruit, and adds a fun sugary shell to crack through while you’re eating. This recipe can be applied to other citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines. You will need a brulee torch for this recipe.

  • 1 grapefruit, halved
  • Granulated organic white sugar to coat
  1. Take each grapefruit half and blot with a paper towel to help dry the surface.
  2. Sprinkle sugar over each cut half until thoroughly coated.
  3. With the brulee torch, melt the sugar until it bubbles and becomes amber colored and starts to bubble. Make sure to melt all of the sugar.
  4. Allow to cool and harden, then crack open with a spoon and enjoy!

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